TOKYO, Apr 07 (News On Japan) - In a world where dreams can turn deadly, the panic thriller movie "THIS MAN" brings to life an urban legend about a man with connected eyebrows whose appearance in one's dreams precedes bizarre deaths.
As individuals who dream of this peculiar man meet untimely ends, danger begins to circle the protagonist. Directed by Tomojiro Amano, known for "The Happy Prisoner" and "My Magical Hell," the film features a talented cast including Arisa Deguchi, known for "The Man in Love," and Minehiro Kinomoto, famed for his role in the "Kamen Rider W" series. With additional performances by Miu Suzuki, Hiroji Tsuda, and Tetsu Watanabe, this thriller delves into the nightmares that lead to a series of inexplicable deaths, ensnaring viewers in its chilling tale.
Source: シネマトゥデイ