News On Japan

A New Hope for Rural Income: Field Wasabi

MIYAGI, Jun 28 (News On Japan) - Wasabi's popularity overseas is growing, but have you heard of 'field wasabi'? In an effort to develop a new specialty product, Miyagi Prefecture has been conducting trial cultivation and successfully made the first shipment in June.

Typically, wasabi is grated from the root and used as a condiment. In Kaminoyama, a well-known area for wasabi, rich groundwater is used to cultivate traditional sawa wasabi. On the other hand, the wasabi being cultivated in Miyagi is known as hata wasabi. While it is the same plant, the stem is grated and processed into kneaded wasabi. The goal is to achieve a yield of 2 tons per 10 ares. The prefecture has been collaborating with kneaded wasabi manufacturers and has been conducting trial cultivation in the Osaki region since last year. Recently, a tour was held for farmers to observe the progress.

The hata wasabi is characterized by a refreshing and potent spiciness, with a fragrance that is distinctly wasabi. With the global popularity of Japanese cuisine, the export volume of hata wasabi has increased, accounting for 40% of the manufacturer's overseas shipments.

However, domestic production of wasabi has been declining due to the aging population of farmers and the effects of global warming. To address the shortage of raw materials and revitalize the local economy, the prefecture is working together with manufacturers and farmers.

Farmers in the region have historically struggled with small fields, poor sunlight, and high humidity, leading to inefficient farming. It was discovered that hata wasabi thrives in such conditions, providing an opportunity for farmers to increase their income without significant difficulty.

The first harvest of hata wasabi took place in Kaminoyama on June 26. Despite almost no rainfall for two weeks, the stems grew to about 60 cm. The wasabi's strong aroma seems to repel wild boars, offering additional protection for nearby crops.

The trial cultivation involves 10 farms in the Osaki region, with the entire yield being purchased by manufacturers, ensuring no concerns about market demand. A ceremony was held to celebrate the first shipment, which includes approximately 30,000 kg. The total shipment from the Osaki region this year is expected to reach 5 tons.

"It's the best possible outcome for the first year. We can proudly ship our product," one farmer said. The harvested hata wasabi will be processed at factories in Aichi Prefecture and other locations and exported overseas.

Source: 日テレNEWS

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