TOKYO, Dec 21 (News On Japan) - DomDom Burger has launched a new menu item this week with an astonishing visual appeal.
The burger, smothered in maitake mushrooms to the extent that the meat is completely hidden, is aptly named "Tonight's Maitake Burger."
Just one day after its release, the internet buzzed with comments like "DomDom has done it again" and "This is crazy!"
What makes this burger special? "If you try to bite into it, the filling just spills out," was one comment, and another, "The amount of maitake mushroom is incredible."
Previously known for its outrageous menu items, including burgers with whole flounders and crabs, this time, DomDom Burger has spotlighted the maitake mushroom. They use a hefty 200 grams of thick snow country maitake mushrooms. Owing to its striking appearance, the burger is already selling more than double the usual new menu items.
Customers flocking for the maitake burger shared their attractions: "The appeal? It's the volume," and "The maitake really stands out, it's delicious."
The question for 2024 is, what kind of daring burgers will appear next?