News On Japan

New Sports in the Olympic Games in Tokyo 2021

Nov 04 ( - The athletic festival that dates back to ancient Greece will open the doors to new sports in 2021.

The most famous sports event in the world have developed significantly throughout the years when it comes to accepting different spots to take part in the festival.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Olympic Games were postponed for the summer of 2021, set to take place in Tokyo, Japan. For the Olympic enthusiasts, here are 5 new sports that will be introduced in the Olympic Games 2021. By visiting you will find an updates list of Japanese online casinos that you can use to place a bet in the Olympic Games. Remember to always gamble responsible.

Sport Climbing

This spot has gotten an increased interest in the past few years. That’s why during the Olympic Games in 2021, athletes will get gold medals based on the strength in their fingertips.

Sport climbing is a form of rock climbing which takes scaling steep cliffs to a new level. Athletes will show strength, gymnastic ability, technique, and endurance in three categories:

● Speed Climbing - this category involves two athletes racing up a 15m wall. Like any other sport in the Olympics where speed is the ultimate goal - a false start means instant disqualification.

● Bouldering - during this category, the climbing is performed on small artificial rock walls, without the use of ropes. The routes are called ‘problems’ and the climbers need to ‘solve’ as many ‘problems’ as possible in a given amount of time.

● Lead Climbing - athletes are given the challenge to climb up a 15m wall, and the rules are simple - who climbs the highest in 6 minutes is the winner. During this category, the athletes are secured with ropes.

One thing’s for sure - it’s going to be a thrilling experience watching sport climbing in the Olympics!


During the Olympics, around 80 athletes will compete in two styles - kata (forms) and kumite (sparring).

There’s a fine line between these two styles:

In the kata category, athletes will demonstrate a series of offensive and defensive movements. The karateka - a karate practitioner, will be scored based on speed, strength, rhythm, power of strikes and kicks, and so on.

On the other hand, during the kumite, two karatekas face each other. They are allowed to use three techniques: kicking, punching, and striking. Points are given based on landing strikes, as well as power, form, and control. Therefore, karate is a new and exciting debut for the famous athletic festival.

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While the world still discusses whether it’s a sport or a pastime, the Olympic Games in Tokyo will debut surfing as one of the competing sports - which pretty much answers the question.

The surfing will take place on the Shidashita beach, where forty men and women will have the chance to compete on real waves. Shortboards will be used during the competitions in Tokyo.

The contestants will be scored based on the variety of dynamic moves on large waves. During the games, common surfing etiquette will be practiced. One surfer may ride one wave, interferences with other surfers will not be allowed, and the surfer that’s closest to the peak has the advantage of riding the wave.

An interesting part of surfing is how surfers use ‘mind games’ to throw other competitors off, by paddling towards waves, but not riding them or pretending not to be interested in a wave but going after it.


Another interesting and surprising debut for the Olympics will be skateboarding. The competitions will take place in two categories: street and park.

The park event will take place on a course that will feature curved surfaces. Competitors will be given points based on their mid-air tricks, difficulty, and originality.

During the street event, we’ll get the chance to see the competitors perform individually. They will showcase their skills on curbs, walls, stairs, benches, and slopes. The tricks that are included in the competition are slide, grind, ollie, regular and goofy stance.


Baseball isn’t making a debut, but a return since the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008. In these competitions, there are two teams of nine players who face each other off to score the most ‘runs’. The rules are pretty simple and the team with the most runs gets the medal.

Softball isn’t making a debut as well, as it was part of the Olympic Games in 1996. The game is similar to baseball, the difference being the distance between the pitcher and the batter. When it comes to scoring, the rules are the same as baseball.

To Sum Up

Although it was a true sports bummer that we had to wait another year for The Olympic Games, 2021 brings us new things to look forward to! At least now we know what to expect from the games, and one thing is for sure - with all this preparation time, the next edition of the Olympic Games will be one to remember!

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