News On Japan

Lowered age of adulthood makes supporting forced porn victims more difficult

Apr 05 (Japan Times) - The lowering of the legal age of adulthood in Japan on Friday has sparked concerns that it may be more difficult to support women under 20 who have been coerced into appearing in pornographic videos.

Last year, nonprofit group Paps held 81 consultations about forced appearances in porn, with 20 of them involving people under the age of 20, the former age of adulthood in the country.

Lawyer Kazuko Ito, secretary general of nongovernmental organization Human Rights Now, warned that porn talent agencies may be scouting people in junior high and high schools to make them debut as porn actors as soon as they turn 18.

Victims are often solicited by talent agencies to become television personalities or models, and forced to sign delegation contracts, according to the international human rights group. In many cases, victims realize that they will be in a porn video only after being sent to a shooting location, and are told that they will have to pay a penalty if they refuse the work.

They could be forced to give up their portrait rights under contracts with video production firms. Videos, if released on the internet, could stay online virtually forever.

Previously, the sales of videos featuring 18-and 19-year-olds could be halted by exercising the right to annul contracts signed by minors without the guardians consent.

But the revised Civil Code, which sets the new age of adulthood at 18, prevents such victims from cancelling their contracts through this route. ...continue reading

News On Japan

Japan's northern Akita Prefecture experienced a torrential deluge Friday, causing major flooding and the collapse of a bridge in Kamikoani Village.

Theft of air conditioner outdoor units has surged as Japan's heatwave continues, leaving some businesses unable to run critical cooling systems.

As power harassment allegations against the governor of Hyogo Prefecture continue to swirl, it has been revealed that another prefectural employee has passed away, with the prefecture delaying a formal announcement of the death by 3 months.

Osaka has topped the 'Japan Urban Power Rankings' for the fourth consecutive year. Conducted by Mori Building's think tank, the ranking evaluates 136 cities across Japan in six categories, including economy, culture, and environment.

Japan's total population stood at 124.88 million as of January 1 this year, a decrease of over 530,000 from the previous year, further accelerating the trend of a declining birthrate and aging population.



A manager of a men's concept cafe in Tokyo's Akihabara district has been arrested on suspicion of violating the Employment Security Act by introducing female customers to illegal men's massage parlors to pay off high bills.

A Japanese man has been detained at a Thai airport for attempting to smuggle over 200 more scorpions, spiders, and other insects than he declared.

Osaka has topped the 'Japan Urban Power Rankings' for the fourth consecutive year. Conducted by Mori Building's think tank, the ranking evaluates 136 cities across Japan in six categories, including economy, culture, and environment.

Osaka's Minami district, a prominent entertainment area in western Japan, is experiencing a significant shift in its host club industry. Every night, patrons and hosts engage in strategic interactions, but recently, a noticeable change has emerged: an influx of host clubs from Tokyo's Kabukicho district.

Japan's total population stood at 124.88 million as of January 1 this year, a decrease of over 530,000 from the previous year, further accelerating the trend of a declining birthrate and aging population.

The number of raccoons captured in Tokyo is on the rise. These animals, increasingly making homes in residential areas, have even been found raising their young in attics.

The last three 'UFO-style' traffic lights in Japan, which appear to hover like UFOs, will be removed by the end of this month due to aging.

In an effort to curb street solicitation, commonly known as "tachinbo," in Osaka's Umeda district, police and local authorities have decided to install new street lights and implement other measures. This decision aims to address the issue of illegal prostitution activities that have led to over 20 arrests in the past year.