Oct 05 (world-grain.com) - Production of rice in Japan is expected to dip to 7.3 million tonnes in marketing year 2023-24, down from 7.48 million the previous year, as extremely high temperatures and little rain are expected to lower yield and quality, according to a Global Agricultural Information Network report from the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the US Department of Agriculture.
Rice produced in Japan is almost entirely Japonica short grain rice. Rice is produced throughout the country and is harvested in September and October in most regions. Industry contacts estimate that heat stress will lower yield and quality nationwide, resulting in increases in empty grains, smaller grains, chalky kernels, cracks in kernels and high protein levels, FAS Post Tokyo said.
FAS sees rice consumption dipping slightly to 8.13 million tonnes in 2023-24, down 50,000 tonnes from the previous marketing year, based on projected weak demand for table rice. Area harvested is forecast to decline to 1.47 million hectares, down from 1.497 million hectares in 2022-23.
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