Jun 24 (sci-news.com) - Scientifically named Stylobates calcifer, the new sea anemone species lives in a symbiotic relationship with a species of hermit crab called Pagurodofleinia doederleini.
Stylobates is a small genus of sea anemones in the family Actiniidae.
It previously comprised four species, all of which exclusively inhabit deep water: Stylobates aeneus from Guam and Hawaii, Stylobates birtlesi from northeast Australia, Stylobates cancrisocia from East Africa, and Stylobates loisetteae from northwest Australia.
The new Stylobates species was collected at a depth of 100-400 m around the Pacific side — middle of Honshu Island to Kyushu — of Japan.
Named Stylobates calcifer, it was found on the shells inhabited by the hermit crab Pagurodofleinia doederleini.
The anemone occupies the entire top of the hermit crab’s shell, attaching itself by means of a hard shell-like secretion called a carcinoecium.
This phenomenon isn’t new to science as approximately 35 species of anemones have mutually beneficial relationships with hermit crabs.