Jan 01 (Japan by Food) - Embark on a captivating journey with us as Shizuka delves into the enchanting realm of hiougi shells in the picturesque Ainan town in Ehime Prefecture. These shells are adorned in hues of orange, yellow, and purple. Not only a feast for the eyes but they offer a delightful fusion of culinary and crafting experiences.
Join us on this immersive adventure where we explore a hiougi shell farm, unveiling the mesmerizing process of harvesting these stunning shells. Discover the unique conditions that make Shikoku the perfect habitat for these colorful treasures.
Shizuka will taste hiougi shells right on the farm, savoring the distinct flavors and textures of these edible gems. She’ll also try her hand at making art with these shells, capturing the essence of Ainan’s rich cultural heritage.
Finally, we’ll end our culinary adventure, where hiougi shells take center stage in a high-end course. Prepared by local chefs, each dish showcases the versatility and sophistication of these shells, elevating them to gourmet heights.
Don't miss out on this enchanting exploration of hiougi shells in Ainan, Ehime Prefecture.