News On Japan

Revelations from a High-Earning Woman in Papa Katsu

TOKYO, Jun 21 (News On Japan) - A high-profile papa katsu woman who earns 5 million yen a month has shared her insights following the resignation of former MP Miyazawa over a papa katsu scandal. In a candid interview, the woman, identified as Rika, 25, shed light on her two-year experience in the world of compensated dating, commonly referred to as papa katsu.

Rika revealed that she has about 30 papa katsu partners, meeting them once or twice a week. Her earnings can reach up to 500,000 yen per month, with annual income exceeding 60 million yen. She explained that some of her patrons even buy her home appliances, calling them 'godly uncles'.

Despite the financial benefits, Rika stressed the importance of maintaining a balanced relationship with her patrons. She avoids deep emotional connections and prefers to keep relationships superficial, ensuring she doesn’t rely heavily on any single patron. Her approach is to keep the engagements light, often meeting for just an hour or two, and focusing on making her patrons feel special and valued.

Rika also disclosed that she supports multiple 'boyfriends' financially, some of whom are former hosts. She pays for their living expenses, including rent and other costs, demonstrating the financial power she wields in her unique lifestyle.

Reflecting on Miyazawa’s resignation, Rika expressed confusion over why such a scandal would lead to a resignation. She emphasized that many men are easily charmed by young women and that the world of papa katsu is a testament to this reality.

An expert on papa katsu, Nanase, noted that the industry has evolved, becoming more sophisticated and cunning. The infamous 'Lily-chan' incident, where a woman sold a manual on how to deceive men, highlighted the darker side of this industry. Nanase warned that men without experience in dealing with women are particularly vulnerable to such schemes.

As the papa katsu scene continues to attract both men and women, the complexities and ethical concerns surrounding it remain. The resignation of Miyazawa serves as a reminder of the blurred lines between personal choices and public responsibilities.

Source: ABEMAニュース

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