News On Japan

The Reign of Hidetada | The Edo Period Episode 2

Jul 05 (The Shogunate) - After the death of Tokugawa Ieyasu and with the Edo period fully underway, we now turn to examine the complicated history of his son, Tokugawa Hidetada, the important second Shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate.

News On Japan

Japan's new flagship H3 rocket has successfully placed an Earth observation satellite into orbit in its third launch. The rocket lifted off from the Tanegashima Space Center in the southwestern prefecture of Kagoshima shortly after midday on Monday. (NHK)

Four individuals, including a Japanese national, have been detained in Myanmar for allegedly selling rice at prices higher than those regulated by the government.

A large-scale geothermal power project comparable to nuclear power is underway in Japan, with the government and private sector accelerating their efforts toward a green transformation (GX) and renewable energy transition. However, rising power consumption, partly due to the spread of AI, has sent the demand for electricity skyrocketing.

The gates to Mt. Fuji are now open for the climbing season, and visitors are flocking to the mountain's base.

Monday marks six months since the massive New year's day earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula along the Sea of Japan. (NHK)


MORE Education NEWS

Japan's education ministry has instructed public senior high schools across the country to provide special considerations for foreign applicants in taking entrance exams. (NHK)

In Osaka's Sumiyoshi Ward, the Asahi Onsen, a century-old bathhouse, has become a gathering place for children, hosting an event humorously dubbed the "Ofuronpic" in lieu of the Olympics. The bathhouse echoes with the laughter of children playing "bucket curling," a playful adaptation of the winter sport using bath buckets.

A protest against tuition hikes at the University of Tokyo on June 21, led to police intervention, sparking criticism from students who accused the university of disregarding their autonomy.

A 26-year-old nursery teacher has been arrested on suspicion of assaulting a child at a daycare center in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo, including forcefully pulling the child's hair.

Japan Post is recruiting "stamp designers" for the first time in seven years. The intricacies of stamp design and the passion behind it were discussed with a current stamp designer.

The University of Tokyo is considering raising its tuition fees, citing the need to address various challenges such as improving the educational and research environment, aging facilities, and rising prices and personnel costs. However, this move has sparked opposition, with critics arguing that it could exclude financially disadvantaged students.

According to a report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 28.3% of women born in 1975 in Japan are childless, the highest rate among member countries.

Smartphone usage could be causing significant brain fatigue. If you constantly use your smartphone, even while doing chores or eating, it can lead to memory issues, even in young people. We interviewed patients suffering from this 'smartphone brain fatigue.'