News On Japan

Matsumoto Castle Becomes Japan's Most Popular on Instagram

Nagano, Jun 04 (News On Japan) - Until recently, Kumamoto Castle held the top spot for the most Instagram followers among Japanese castles. However, at the end of May, Matsumoto Castle in Nagano surpassed Kumamoto Castle to become the most followed. What led to this change?

For the first time, Matsumoto Castle has taken the top spot among official castle Instagram accounts, surpassing 30,000 followers. Kumamoto Castle, now in second place, fell short of the 30,000 mark, followed by Himeji Castle in third place.

What has contributed to the rise in popularity of Matsumoto Castle?

According to Matsumoto City, about 20% of the castle's followers are foreigners. This increase in international followers is one key reason for its rise in popularity.

Additionally, photos of the 'upside-down Matsumoto Castle' reflected in the moat have become highly popular.

Matsumoto City's analysis also points out that its proximity to Tokyo, making it the closest national treasure castle, and the ease of visiting a castle located on flat ground rather than in the mountains, are factors in its appeal.

The city also shares content in multiple languages, including English, Traditional Chinese, Thai, and German, which has likely contributed to its popularity.

Takahiro Inoue, news anchor: The delicious food, abundant nature, and the Northern Alps in the backdrop are also attractive features. However, other castles are sure to feel the pressure to compete.

Mika Song: I visited Kumamoto over the weekend and saw Kumamoto Castle. It was beautiful, and the food was delicious. I've often passed by Matsumoto Castle but never entered. Being from Hyogo, I've visited Himeji Castle on school trips. Though I'm not biased, it's surprising to see Matsumoto Castle take the top spot on Instagram.

A Single Photo Sparked the Trend

When Matsumoto Castle started its Instagram account, it had only 1,456 followers after six months (December 2021). However, in the following six months, the number increased by over 10,000.

The turning point was a photo posted in January 2022 that went viral.

This photo, a collaboration shot of the Northern Alps and Matsumoto Castle, received over 10,000 likes.

Matsumoto City Representative: 'Previously, our most liked photos only reached a few thousand likes. We started posting more photos that capture the seasonal beauty of the scenery and the castle.'

In spring, cherry blossoms, in summer, fresh greenery, in autumn, colored leaves, and in winter, snow-covered scenery make the castle beautiful year-round.

The photo that started it all was taken from a similar angle in Matsumoto Castle Park.

They've been creative, showcasing shots from locations only accessible to staff.

Song: In Kumamoto and Himeji, snow-covered scenery happens maybe once a year.

'If Attacked, Strike Back Twice as Hard!' New Strategies

Yamauchi: As of June 3, the most liked photo is of a snow-covered Matsumoto Castle.

The contrast between the black outer walls and the white snow received approximately 78,000 likes.

Kumamoto Castle, not wanting to be outdone, responded.

On May 29, its official account on X posted, 'If attacked, strike back twice as hard!' showing their competitive spirit.

Kumamoto Castle's Social Media Team: 'Matsumoto Castle surpassed 30,000 followers. We can't let them pull away! We need to come up with a strategy...'

Thus, on June 3, a new plan was put into action.

Previously, their posts were only in Japanese and English. From the morning of June 3, they added hashtags in Chinese, Korean, and Thai.

Kumamoto Castle's Social Media Team: 'Currently, about 10% of our followers are from overseas. There's potential for growth.'

Source: TBS

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